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7 of the Best Photography Podcasts to Inspire!


While this is an article that I want to be educational for us all, it is a bit of a selfish one – I love seeking out new recommendations for podcasts! Rather than position this as the definitive list, I wanted to give you the best photography podcasts that I love to listen to in the hope that some of you may find a new podcast to love in 2020.

However, I also want to hear your recommendations for the best photography podcasts I can check out in 2020!

Podcasts are currently seeing serious investment, with streaming giant Spotify investing over $400 million.

This has paid off for Spotify, with their podcast audience doubling in the first half of 2019 alone. With that investment, means more podcasts produced, and the quality is getting higher all the time. This is a serious win for us as Podcast listeners.

For me, at least, Podcasts have made their way into part of my daily routine. Like waiting for the next episode of a TV show, I look forward to hearing the latest episodes of my favorite podcasts each week. I tend to listen to them whilst working, commuting, or just to chill out.

The podcasts I listen to tend to be less gear-based and more based on the story of photographers or how to improve in business. This type of content makes me excited to check out the work of photographers I haven’t before. It also inspires, either for strategies to try, or just visual inspiration from the discovery of new photographers.

Not only are big companies investing, but the quality of podcasts on all levels is better than ever. People are spending serious time in making their podcasts sound great. Gone are the days of what felt like listening to a phone conversation between people. Many modern podcasts are well-produced, great-sounding shows that allow me to imagine my perfect radio station, curated just for me.

The 7 Best Photography Podcasts

Why 7? Well, to be honest, I like to try and listen to one podcast per day. I could give you the top 15, or top 20. If you’re not careful, though, your podcast feed (like my own) will be jammed with episodes or entire podcasts you never get round to listening to.

So, in no particular order, here are my 7 best photography podcasts. 

Best photography podcast for business Photobiz X

1. Photobiz X

Seen by many as the number one photography business podcast, Photobiz X is also the only podcast on this list with a premium version alongside the free version.

The podcast will give you great tips, whichever you listen to. Premium listeners get more of a deep dive into business techniques and access to the excellent PBX group on Facebook. As a member myself, I find the amount of help and support you get from the premium version worth the price. If you do find yourself enjoying the podcast, you can try it free for 30 days to see if it is a worthwhile investment for you.

This podcast interviews a huge variety of photographers and related business experts that can help you improve your photography business. Previous topics have included selling more wall art, website design, copywriting for your business, and a whole host of other topics.

Andrew, as a host, intuitively asks the questions that you find yourself asking as you listen along. He picks away the guest’s layers to get to the heart of the strategies that make their businesses successful.

Also, every episode has actionable takeaways that you can take and apply to your business. The only issue may be that you have too many ideas to try!

Best enjoyed: Monday morning, setting you up with business inspiration for the week.


The FujiCast Logo

2. FujiCast

This is a podcast with two UK-based wedding photographers, whom both shoot with Fuji.

You would think that this would be a pretty niche podcast. However, if you can get beyond the name, what you will find is a funny, beautifully-produced podcast that has a great mix between answering readers’ questions and interviews with photographers.

FujiCast is the perfect listen on a Sunday morning with a cup of coffee.

The tone of the podcast is that of two mates chatting about photography, except these mates are very knowledgeable and regarded as some of the best UK wedding photographers.

Yes, the gear talk that features usually has a Fuji slant, but gear talk isn’t where this podcast sings – it is the interviews and stories of the guests that are inspiring.

Again, one of the best things about this podcast is the community that Neale and Kevin have built. They host regular meet-ups for recordings, etc.

The FujiCast is a great listen that will introduce you to some amazing photographers.

Best enjoyed: Sunday morning after a leisurely breakfast, whilst enjoying a coffee. 


The Candid Frame. Perhaps The best photography podcast voice

3. The Candid Frame

The voice! The Candid Frame begins with smooth Jazz, which leads into possibly the smoothest podcast voice ever in Ibarionex Perello. One of the longest-running podcasts, The Candid Frame, has been running since 2006.

You can tell Ibarionex puts loads of work into researching every guest he interviews. His interview technique, honed over nearly 500 episodes, gives the interviewee the chance to tell their story beautifully. He asks questions that help him (and you as the listener) delve into their photographic journey.

Best enjoyed: Late at night, with a glass of your favorite tipple.


He shoots he draws podcast logo

4. He Shoots He Draws

This podcast consists of a photographer and designer who describe their podcast as a chat over a cuppa. Episodes range from twenty minutes to well over an hour.

He Shoots, He Draws, is as laid back as the title suggests. However, that would not do justice to the huge amount of knowledge that both Glynn and Dave bring to each episode.

While bringing the angles of photography and design, this podcast covers a variety of topics with a wide-ranging variety of guests.

Best enjoyed: Tuesday morning, to help you make it through the week ahead.


7 of the Best Photography Podcasts to Inspire!

5. This Week in Photo

This podcast really doesn’t need an introduction, and I am sure it is already on many of your weekly listens. One of the longest-running podcasts (it’s been around since 2008), This Week in Photo has a great mix of roundtable discussions and interviews, so this podcast still feels fresh.

Not every topic will appeal to everyone, but with each episode usually in the 30-45 minute range, I find myself listening along and getting something of interest that stops me from skipping.

I did think about not including this podcast due to it being so popular, but a podcast is like an old pair of jeans. It’s the one you always go back to because it feels so comfortable.

Best enjoyed: On a lazy Saturday, slouching in your favorite pair of jeans.


One of the best photography podcast. So You Want to Be a Photographer

6. So You Want to Be a Photographer

Gina Milicia is a renowned Australian photographer who has photographed many celebs in her time. (She has also written e-books for dPS including Portraits: Making the Shot,  Portraits Lighting The ShotPortraits: Striking The Pose14 Amazing Portrait RecipesPortraits: After The Shot, and Fast FLASH For Portrait Perfection.) 

Her podcast, which she hosts with her friend and photography enthusiast, Valerie Khoo, is exactly the opposite of the type of podcast you would expect from such a high-end photographer. Gina is down to earth, and this podcast is full of advice for those on all levels. 

The two hosts bounce off each other, and the enthusiast and expert balance between them really helps keep the podcast accessible to everyone. Episodes are full of great advice for people at differing stages of photography from the beginner looking for inspiration through to those taking a step into making money from photography

Best enjoyed: On a bad Wednesday in the office. When you have decided that you want out of the 9-5 and want to start getting paid for your photography. 


Photobomb Podcast logo

7. Photobomb

This podcast is like listening to two radio personalities with the humor of the naughty kids in class.

Booray Perry and Gary Hughes are a duo who will tend to let their episodes wander off-topic, but in a good way. A perfect example of this is starting a recent episode discussing the new Star Wars movie and which Star Wars films get a raw deal.

Booray and Gary are both experienced photographers with personalities that you will either love or hate. Quick-fire banter between them brings all the news and opinions you need for the week. Booray spent twenty years in radio before becoming a photographer, and that definitely comes through in this podcast.

A great listen in the car or at the gym too.

Best enjoyed: On the daily commute, as long as you are happy with occasionally laughing out loud on public transport.


Scenario podcast logo

Bonus podcast: Scenario

I’ve left the most fragile until last. The Scenario podcast by Jessica Mcdermott is made up of only six episodes recorded between November 2017 and March 2018. The only updates since then come in two, 2-minute notes about an update and #PodStrike.

You may be wondering, why would you tell us that this is one of the best photography podcasts and one that we need to listen to in 2020? Simply put, each episode is a beautiful little documentary on a fascinating photography story. There is the photographer who shoots landscapes to send to her pen pals on death row and the story of a photographer who is documenting his brother’s gender transition.

Each episode is beautifully put together and reminds me of a documentary that you would hear on Radio 4 (or NPR for you US-based listeners). Every story is fascinating, and I can see them appealing to many people outside of the world of photography.

Jessica allows each photographer to open up and tell their story, so each episode feels very intimate.

My only wish is that this podcast returns with more episodes. Although maybe it is destined to be these six perfect episodes that should be appreciated just as they are.

Best enjoyed: All in one. Find a weekend and listen to these wonderful stories in one sitting.


So there you go – a podcast for every day.

As I said, these are some of the best photography podcasts and are not meant to be an exhaustive list.

There are so many more I could add here, including more of the usual suspects. I am sure there are many more that you could add as well. 

So, as I said at the start, I wanted to throw this out to you as the readers. Let’s hear in the comments below one of the best photography podcasts that everyone needs to listen to in 2020. I look forward to adding a load more podcasts to my list from your recommendations. 

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Carl Spring
Carl Spring

Carl is a Lincolnshire living, skateboard-riding, Rock N’ Roll listening, pet-loving, trainer-addicted photographer.
Along with his wife Lisa, they photograph weddings and portraits under the name 166 Photography
Carl has also spent many years photographing musicians and extreme sports. You can see more of this work on his website

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