1. You’ll begin to see the world Differently – with a camera in your pocket or bag you’ll find yourself looking for opportunities to use it and when you start looking at the world in that way you’ll start to see if differently.
2. You’ll take more pictures – it sounds obvious – and it is – but the result of more pictures is that you’ll improve your averages of taking a good one!
3. You’ll be more likely to get out of Auto mode – the more you use your camera and see your results the more you’ll find yourself wanting to stretch yourself out of auto mode into using the full potential of your camera.
4. You’ll get to know your camera – the more you use your camera the more familiar you’ll become with it and what it’s capable of. I find that after an intense week with my camera that changing settings becomes second nature and much faster.
5. You’ll miss less ‘Kodak moments’ – you don’t realize just how many opportunities you miss to capture moments photographically until you start carrying your camera around. While I’m a big believer in not relying upon your photography to ‘create’ memories – I think that images are a wonderful way to help remember stories and celebrate life.
Images are good for the soul – don’t miss the opportunity to create them in 2008. Take your camera everywhere!
Image by carlosiuis

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