Few places have captured the imagination of photographers like Alaska, often referred to as the last great wilderness of North America. One photographer who is lucky to call this amazing location home is Patrick Endres. Not only does Patrick have a keen eye for wildlife photography he has a keen eye for wildlife stories that are eloquently conveyed in his work. I was lucky to catch him just before his latest excursion into the Alaskan back-country for today’s “3 Minutes with…”
Describe your photography in 100 words or less.
While style is often found in the rear view mirror, I know that my long-time fascination with color and light, two fundamental aspects of painting and photography, weave their way into what may be descriptive of my work. I’m constantly intrigued by the influence of one upon the other. However, I try to be flexible, as a stock photographer, I shoot a diverse range of material because a strong style for one situation may not be desirable for another. When wildlife is in the makeup, I like to portray it contextualized within its landscape and environment.
What gear/software do you use?
I shoot exclusively digital, having happily left the world of film long ago. I use Canon’s EOS 1 series cameras with a 5D Mark II thrown in for a lightweight hiking/landscape body. The 1D cameras are more weight than I care for, but their rugged construct lets me be equally rugged with them, often in remote locations. My lens selection spans the complete range from fish-eye to 500mm. And when wildlife is in the equation, I don’t leave home without that 500. Canon’s image stabilization has opened up liberties and flexibility otherwise not known to handling big glass without a tripod. For software, I’ve migrated along the path of digital asset management software development over the years and have settled with Lightroom for image processing and database management. I rarely use Photoshop anymore, save for more creative alterations and panorama stitches.
What’s one quick tip that you’d give people interested in Wildlife photography.
Good, consistent wildlife photography is rarely the child of serendipity. Therefore, there is no substitute for spending time in the field, and being knowledgeable about your subject. Get informed and get out there; once you are there, be persistent and patient.
What 3 Photography Sites or Photoblogs do you Recommend?
I don’t read prolifically on the subject of photography. I’ve found more personal inspiration through the reading of other subjects, which I feel broadens my perspective and view of the world in which I roam.
However, over the years I’ve found inspiration and information from the following.
Technical: Luminous-Landscapes
Current imagery: The Big Picture – Boston Globe
Informative: Rob Galbraith Digital Photography Insights
Follow Patricks latest work on his blog AlaskaPhotographyBlog.com

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