Today I’d like to try a different kind of post here at DPS called ‘3 minutes with….’.
The idea is to pick a photographer/photoblogger and spend 3 minutes with them by asking 3 quick questions, asking them to highlight 3 of their favorite images and getting them to recommend 3 photography sites that they recommend. Today we’re going to start by spending 3 minutes with Jim Goldstein from JMG-Galleries (also check out his blog and see a number of articles that he’s written here at DPS on his author page).
I’ve included his three images throughout the post.
What gear do you use?
My primary camera body is a Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III and for action/sports photography I use a Canon EOS-1D Mark II. I use a wide variety of lenses including Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II, Canon EF 70-200mm IS, Canon TS-E 24mm, Canon TS-E 90mm, Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro and a Canon EF 15mm f/2.8 Fisheye. As a standard practice I also use a Gitzo tripod, cable release / intervalometer and a variety of filters (Graduated Neutral Density, Polarizers, etc.) Having ample storage is essential so I have several 8GB and 4GB UDMA CF cards.
Describe your photography in 100 words or less
The vast majority of my photography focuses on landscape, nature and travel subjects. There are many things that I want my photography to be. Most importantly I strive for my work to be engaging and vibrant. Capturing the imagination of those viewing my photography is always a top goal, so use of depth, unique perspective and motion are often aspects of my work. While capturing a subject that is bigger than life is great, it is not my primary focus as I’d rather share a unique perspective of our world.
What’s one quick tip that you’d give people getting into photography to help them improve?
When frustrated never give up. Long before digital I had a bad experience with my first foray into film photography. My lack of knowledge of the basics hampered my ability to properly photograph Yosemite valley’s great scenery and wildflowers. As a result my frustrating experience, photography dropped from my focus of interest for several years. What is different now is that so many great resources exist online to research and learn the basics of photography, as well as more advanced in camera and post-processing techniques. DPS is a perfect example of this. The bonus tip that is closely tied to the first, “never giving up”, is to “never stop experimenting or learning”.
What 3 Photography Sites or Photoblogs do you Recommend?
Art Wolfe – Art is an inspiration and a good friend. With 60+ books under his belt, decades of experience and fresh off the 2nd season of his show “Travels to the Edge with Art Wolfe” he is a photographer extraordinaire. He’s just kicked off his blog a few months ago incorporating “how the photo was taken” videos, workshop info, industry news and more. His blog is definitely one to watch.
Epic Edits – Brian Auer has created a great community and frequently features articles on timely topics, reader polls, and highlights from his Flickr group Epic Edits PhotoDump. Definitely worth a look. Once you visit you’ll be back for more.
Guy Tal – You’ve likely seen Guy’s photos and writing in a variety of magazines including Popular Photography and Outdoor Photographer. Guy’s blog is both entertaining and thought provoking. It’s not the run of the mill blog as Guy’s eloquent writing will plant philosophical seeds of thought in your mind that you’ll find yourself revisiting later in the day.
Read more from Jim Goldstein at his blog.

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