It is day 2 in our 12 Days of Christmas and if you like $7 eBooks (and the popularity of yesterdays deal says you do) you’re going to LOVE this one.
The Deal
It’s our very own Essential Guide to Black and White Photography for just $7
It’s normally $20 so that’s a discount of 65%… but that’s not all. We’re going to throw in a bonus eBook ’10 Recipes for Amazing Black And White Photography’ which is worth $10!
This eBook from renowned photographer David Nightingale launched earlier in 2014 and got some fantastic reviews.
The Essential Guide to Black and White Photography will walk you through:
- how to ‘see’ in black and white
- the best gear to use
- the special skills and setup needed to shoot
- how to process your black and white photos to perfection
- much much more
This eBook has it all covered and has helped thousands of dPS readers to improve their black and white photography.
Here’s the table of contents of the main guide:
The bonus guide (pictured right) shows you exactly how 10 black and white images were created – a fantastic companion to the main guide to show you how to put the theory into action!
Don’t Miss This Deal
Ready to take the quality of your black and white photography to a whole new level?
Grab this amazing deal in before our 24 offer expires here.