Who else is slightly freaked out by how fast the year is moving?
Anyway – it’s time to look back on the hottest tutorials for the last month.
This past month saw a few of our posts go a little viral. Here are the top 5!
1. 10 Common Mistakes Made by New Photographers
A post by Jame Mahaer that many of us can relate to and that many new photographers found helpful!
2. 3 Simple Ways to Create Stunning Eyes in Your Portrait Photography
Gina Milicia did it again with this helpful tutorial on giving a little extra attention to your portrait subjects eyes in post production.
3. 3. Cheat Sheet: Getting Control over Your Camera in Manual Mode
dPS readers love infographics – here’s the hottest one for this past month!
4. Five Ways to Improve Your Eye for Composition
Andrew Gibson hit the mark with many dPS readers with this post with 5 simple suggestions on improving your composition.
5. How to Find and Use Hyperfocal Distance for Sharp Backgrounds
Jim Hamel gives us the low down on finding and using Hyperlocal distance!
5 More From This Time Last Year
In the last 12 months we’ve had a LOT of new readers to dPS who have missed some of our older tutorials. So for you – here’s our top 5 most read posts from last year!
1. The 3 Biggest Kid Photography Mistakes
2. Posing Guide: 21 Sample Poses to Get You Started with Photographing Women – Part I
3. Posing Guide: 21 Sample Poses to Get You Started with Photographing Men
4. How to Photograph Dramatic Clouds at Sunset
5. Reflectors: Your Secret Weapon for Amazing Portrait Photography